Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours Immersed in Art Sotoportego del Casin dei Nobili
Artistic place 7




It takes its name from the Casino dei Nobili (meeting place reserved to nobles), which was located in the building above.
The lodges were small apartments or even rooms, where a specific group met, especially at night, for a variety of purposes: dancing, dinners, music, especially gambling. There were places like this all around the city, for all social classes. Some of these casinos, especially in the eighteenth century, were sophisticated places, decorated with plenty of gold and stucco. In this case it was a rather poor place, since it was attended by impoverished nobles, called barnabotti.
In the porch there is a stone capital with a white grille that protects the image of San Gabriel, as reported in the writing below



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