Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours From Flavour to Classics La Bottega dei Mascareri
Craft workshop 7


Calle dei Saoneri 2720 San Polo


In a Venice crowded with all kinds of mask shops, the brothers Sergio and Massimo Boldrin (in business since 1984) specialize in papier mâché masks modeled according to the strictest traditional method with a clay model and alabaster mould. Their most famous masks are of the classic types ranging from the commedia dell’arte (Pantalone, Zanni, Harlequin, Brighella) to the Venetian “civic” types: la bauta (white mask usually worn with a tricorn hat); the plague doctor’s masks and the black moretta mask. However, the Boldrin brothers also produce more imaginative items. Their creations have been used in theater productions (Californian Shakespeare Festival), cinema production (Eyes Wide Shut) and for fashion shows. This is the place to go if you want to participate in the magic of the Carnevale


open every day 9am-6pm


Artigianservizi   Camera di Commercio Venezia   Confartigianato Venezia

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