Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours From Flavour to Classics Campiello del Piovan
Artistic place 6



 The campiello, like other areas of the city, takes its name from the houses assigned to the parish priest, the piovan, which ran the adjacent church and parish.
The parish priests of the time they were initially appointed by the founders the churches, later however, were shown by the parishioners. It is said that the parishioners proposed a list of names, the church representatives chose the preferred ones and finally the Bishop confirmed the choice. There are plenty of things to admire: a classic Venetian wellhead in the middle of the square


a marble sarcophagus located on the wall of the church of San Tomà (St. Thomas the Apostle), and related written plate


the bas-relief of a saint, dating back to the XII century, with a detailed description of the school assignments and professions


the corner embellished with plants of various types and one more written marble plate, of 1667


Also interesting is the vision of the bell tower of San Rocco:



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