Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours From Flavour to Classics Campiello dell'Angaran
Artistic place 4




The main attractions of the Campiello Angaran, name of a noble family from Piacenza, is the marble medallion representing an emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. The resemblance of this figure and the one engraved in ancient gold coins suggest this Emperor to be Leo VI of Byzantium, Byzantine emperor from 886 to 912. 



  The curiousity is not much on the figure but on the origin of the marble used for the engraving. The legend tells that this stone was originally brought by Lorenzo Tiepolo after the victorious battle of Acre, in 1256, against the Genoese, in the sign of the destruction of the fort Mongioje. This tangible sign of victory had been made ​​necessary to remedy the bad reputation as a leader in the general Tiepolo had. Actually, the legend is already contradicted by the chronicles of 1800 claiming that the stone brought by Tiepolo, originally located near the church of St. Pantaloon, has gone missing since the end of the sixteenth century. From the campiello, through a porch, you enter the Courte Paruta, a characteristic inner courtyard with a portico and stone columns. 


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