Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours Discovering Jewels Sotoportego del Filatoio
Artistic place 6




The name of the porch and the subsequent court comes from the presence in ancient time of a spinner (Filatoio), who worked the threads of silk and other materials, activities whose congregation was located in the school Church of San Ternita a Castello. The porch ends in a distinguishing bank enclosed between two columns. 



The Fondamenta delle Grue (Bank of the Cranes), where is located the porch, is particularly rich in coats of arms, paterae and friezes. In particular there is a marble tile representing on the top, two birds facing one another, and on the bottom a third bird in the act of hitting a lion. Since the crane is also a bird, it is possible that the name of the bank has been derived from this panel, although in many cases the three birds are described as two peacocks and an eagle, putting in doubt the previous hypothesis. 





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