Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours Discovering Jewels
The way of jewels


between the Train Station and Rialto


The route crosses the two adjoining sestieri of San Polo and Santa Croce. Starting at the train station, we cross two of the city’s oldest sestieri which have a wealth of stories and legends, ending up at the foot of the Ponte di Rialto


Through the meanings of their names, we will learn about some of the significant places in this part of the city and the stories or popular legends that they tell, from the "Lista dei Bari" to the "Soportego del Filatoio", from "Campo San Boldo" to the "Sotoportego del Bancogiro" in the heart of Rialto


As we discover the stories, we admire the creations of some of the city’s finest craftsmen, from classical jewellery by "Opera al Bianco", "Orafa ABC", "Laberintho","Franzato" and "Bastianello", each with their own unique characteristics, to paper crafts at "Paper Owl", and traditional masks by "Maschereri" and "Alberto Sarria Masks", true papier-mâché treasures

mb, 2015-01-22

Artigianservizi   Camera di Commercio Venezia   Confartigianato Venezia

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