Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours Craftsmanship Calle dei Fabbri
Artistic place 7



Derives from the presence of numerous smithies. There were plenty of blacksmiths (fabbri) in the city who were required to produce a certain amount of iron for the doges, who then sold it. Their confraternity was established in the Church of San Moisè as well as a few neighbouring houses. The ground floor was used to store the coal, halfway up the stairs was a room used for elections and meetings, and upstairs was the great hall with a gilded wooden altar and paintings by famous artists. On the third floor were the archives and a room to store the weapons used on Shrove Thursday in Piazza San Marco, where, dressed in full regalia, the blacksmiths and the butchers would cut off the head of a bull, and distribute the meat to the people in honour of the victory against the Patriarch of Aquileia in 1162.


In the calle, we see a Madonna and Child with a metallic canopy, a Gothic shield 


and a plaque commemorating the home of Venetian patriots Attilio and Emilio Bandiera


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