Nizioleti di Venezia

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Nizioleti Nizioleti - Persons and families


Agnello: from the noble Venetian family of Dalla Agnella.

Albanesi: area where there were many people of Albanian origin.

Alberegno: from the Alberegno family, which had a tree (Albero) in the family coat of arms.

Alberti: from the Alberti family, especially Girolamo who held the position of duchy notary.

Albrizzi: from the Albrizzi family, from the area of Bergamo.

Algherotto: from the Algherotti family.

Amai: from the Amadi family, of germanic origin.

Amaltea: from the Amaltero family, coming from Oderzo.

Ambasciatore: from the presence of stable palaces and residences of the ambassadors of the various foreign countries visiting or residing in the city.

Ancillotto: from the Ancillotto family, very well known for their coffee shop.

Angaran: from the Angaran family, from the city of Piacenza.

Armeni: areas inhabited by people of Armenian origin.

Arnaldi: dalla the Arnaldi family, from the city of Vicenza.

Arrigoni: from the venetian family Arrigoni.

Astori: from the ventian family Astori.

Avogaria: from the Zamberti family, known as dell'Avogaria since many of its representatives had offices within the municipal advocacy.

Avogadro: from the Avogadro family, from Verona and likey to descend from the Scaligeri family.

Badoer: from the Badoera family, of Hungarian origin.

Baffo: from the Baffo family, from the city of Parma.

Bagatin: froim the surname of a craftsman with a shop in the area.

Balastro: from the noble Balastro family.

Balbi: from the venetian family Balbi.

Baldan: from the Baldan family, resident in the area.

Baldini: from the Baldina family.

Balleran: from the Balleran family.

Bandiera: from the Bandiera family.

Bandiera e Moro: The square was named in honor of the patriots Attilio and Emilio Bandiera and Domenico Moro. The square was previously called Bragora or Bragola, whose origin is torn between multiple theories.

Bao: from the name of the owner of a tavern bearby.

Barbarigo: from the noble family Barbarigo.

Barbaro: from the Barbaro family, of roman origins.

Barbo: from the Barbo family, of roman origins.

Barozzi: from the noble Barozzi family.

Barucchi: from the Barucchi family.

Barzizza: from the Barzizza family, from the province fo Bergamo.

Batocchio: from the Batocchio family.

Battagia: from the Battagia family of Lombard origin.

Bembo: from the Bembo family, from the city of Bologna.

Benzon: from the Benzon family, originated from the city of Crema.

Bergamaschi: area inhabited by many foreigners from the city of Bergamo, employed in oat processing.

Berlendis: from the noble family Berlendis, coming from the city of Bergamo.

Bernardo: from the noble Bernardo family, probably established from Rome.

Bevilacqua: from the venetian family Bevilacqua.

Bezzo: from the Bezzo family.

Bianchi: from the Bianchi family.

Biasio: from the name of the sausage maker found to prepare his famous guazzetto with children meat.

Biscotella: from the Biscotellofamily.

Boldù: after the Boldù family, from the city of Conegliano.

Bollani: after the Bollani family, from the roman province.

Bolza: from the venetian family Bolza.

Bon: after the Bon family, from the city of Bologna.

Bonazza: from the Bonazza family.

Bonfadini: after the Bonfadini family, of Tyrolean origin.

Bonlini: after the Bonlini family, from the city of Brescia.

Borella: after the Borella family.

Borsa: from the Borsa family.

Bosello: from the ventian family Bosello.

Botta: from the Botta family.

Bragadin: after the noble Bragadin family, of Dalmatian origins.

Brandolin: from the Brandolin family.

Braso: after the Braso family, of Tuscan origins.

Brentana: from the Bertani family.

Briani: from the Briani family, originally form Bergamo.

Briati: comes from the glass master and innovator Giuseppe Briati that opened here a glassware laboratory.

Buranelli: from where left the ships to Burano. The area was largely frequented by people from the island.

Buratello: from the nickname of a local family, probably originally form the island of Murano.

Businello: after the Businello family, of Lombard origins.

Cagnoletto: either from the Cagnoletto family, who lived in the area, or from the sign of a local shop.

Calbo: from the Calbo family, originally form Padua.

Caliari: from the Calergi family, originally from Crete.

Camerini: after the Camerini family.

Canal: after the noble Canal family, originally form Ravenna and Altino.

Caotorta: after the venetian family Caotorta, who are said to descend directly from Antiphons and Antenor escaped from Troy after the defeat.

Capara: from the Caparo family, living in the area and probably involved in fishing shellfish (capa).

Caparossolo: after the Caparossolo family, who lived in the area and probably worked in clam (caparassolo) fishing.

Cappellis: after the Cappellis family.

Capuzzi: from the Capuzzi family.

Carampane: after the noble Rampani family.

Carminati: from the Carminati family, originally from Bergamo.

Carnace: after the Carnace family.

Cascada: after the Scala family, the name should come from Ca' Scala (Scala's Home).

Cassetti: from the Cassetti family, originally form Brescia.

Castagna: after the Castagna family.

Castelli: from the Castelly family, originally form the area of Treviso.

Catapan: from the venetian family Catapan.

Cavalli: from the noble Cavalli family, originally from Bavaria.

Cavanis: after the Cavanis family, from Bergamo.

Cazza: from the Cazza family.

Cazziola: dalla from the Cazziola family.

Cedrera: after the Cedrera family.

Celsi: from the Celsi family.

Cendon: after the Cedon family, originally from Rome.

Centani: from the venetian famili Centani.

Cento Pietre: from the Centopietre family.

Cicogna: after the venetian family Cicogna.

Cimesin: from the Cimesin family.

Civran: from the venetian family Civeran, whose origins were probably from the city of Cervia.

Coco: dalla after the Cocco family, originally from Costantinople

Collalto: from the Collalto family, originally from the Lombard german population.

Colomba: from the Colombo family.

Condulmer: after the Condulmer family, originally from the city of Pavia.

Contarini: from the venetian family Contarini, whose name seems to origin from the first representatives sent as prefects of ancient Rome to the Rhine river, from which Counts of the Rhine (Conti del Reno).

Coppo: from the Coppo family, whose origins seem to come from the Greek king Coppee, and who arrived in the lagoon after the war of Troy.

Corbetto: after the Corbetto family.

Coreggio: from the Coreggio family, originally from Bergamo.

Corner: from the Corner, or Cornaro, family, descendants of the ancient Rome family of the Cornelii.

Correr: from the noble venetian family Correr also known as Corraro.

Cortellotti: from the Cortellotti family, who had a shop in the area.

Cortese: from the Cortese family.

Cossetti: after the Cuccetti family.

Costantina: from the noble venetian family Costantini.

Cremonese: from the ventian family Cremonesi.

Crotta: from the Crotta family.

Curnis: after the Curnis family, originally from Bergamo.

Da Mula: from the ventian family Da Mula.

Dandolo: from the venetian family Dandolo.

Da Ponte: from the Da Ponte family.

Dario: after the Dario family.

De Cadonici: from the De Cadonici family.

Degolin: after the ventian family Dagolin.

Delfina: after the ventian family Dolfin.

Diedo: after the noble Diedo family, originally from Altino.

Dodolo: from the Dondolo family.

Dolena: from the Dolera family, who gave the name also to the portino named Era.

Donà: dalla after the Donà family.

Dragan: after the venetian family Dragan.

Drazzi: after the Drasi family.

Duodo: from the ventian family Duodo.

Emo: from the noble family Emo, of Greek origin.

Erizzo: after the Erizzo family.

Falcon: from the Falcon family.

Falcona: after the Grifalconi family, originally from Verona.

Falier: from the Falier family, originally from Fano.

Faraon: after the Derraù family.

Ferrando: after the Ferrando family.

Ferretta: after the Ferretta family, originally from Padua.

Fica: dalla after the Figheta family.

Filosi: from the Filosi family.

Finetta: from the venetian family Finetti.

Fioravante: after the Fioravante family.

Flangini: from the noble venetian family Flangini.

Fontana: after the Fontana family, originally from Piacenza.

Fonte: after the Fonte family.

Formenta: after the venetian family Formenti, whose coat of arms showed three ears of wheat (frumento).

Foscari: after the ventian family Foscari.

Foscarini: after the noble family Foscarini, originally from Altino.

Franceschi: after the ventian family Franceschi.

Franchi: after the ventian family Franco, among who Veronica has been a famous poetress.

Frescada: from the Frescada family, originally from Istria.

Friziera: after the Frizier family.

Furlani: area were lived several families coming from Friuli.

Gabriela: from the Gabrieli family, originally from Umbria.

Gallizzi: after the Galizi family.

Gallo: after the gallo family.

Gambara: after the Gambara family, originally form Germany.

Garibaldi: named Garibaldi after the entrance in Venice of the troops led by Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1866. One of the few examples of naming after modern times celebrities.

Garzoni: after the Garzoni family, originally from Bologna.

Gherardini: from the noble family Gherardni, or Ghirardini, originally from Arezzo.

Giovanelli: from the noble family Giovanelli, originally form Bergamo.

Giusti: from the Giusto family.

Giustinian: from the venetian family Giustinian, thought to descend from the Roman Emperor Justinian.

Gonella: after the Gonella family, from Cremona.

Gozzi: from the Gozzi family, originally from Bergamo.

Gradenigo: after the noble family Gradenigo, originally from Romania.

Gradisca: after the Gradisca family.

Grana: from the Grana family.

Grandiben: from the venetian family Grandiben.

Grassi: after the Grassi family, originally from Bologna.

Greci: areas inhabited by many Greek people, especially around 1400. .

Gregorina: after the Gregolin family.

Grimani: from the noble ventian family Grimani.

Gritti: from the noble ventian family Gritti.

Groppi: after the Groppi family.

Labia: after the Labia family, originally from Spain.

Lanzoni: after the venetian family Ghislanzoni.

Lardona: from the Lardoni family, originally from Genova.

Latte: after the Della family.

Lavaro: from the Navaro family.

Lezze: from the noble family Lezze, originally from the city of Lecce.

Licini: from the Licini family, originally from Bergamo.

Limante: after the Alimante family.

Lion: after the Lion family.

Locatelli: after the Locatello family.

Lombardo: after the Lombardo family, originally from Lombardy.

Longo: after the noble family Longo, from Rimini.

Loredan: after the venetian family Loredan.

Lovisella: after the Loviselli family.

Lovo: after the Lovo family.

Lucatella: from teh Locadella family.

Maffioletti: from the Maffioletti family.

Maggioni: from the Maggioni family.

Magno: after the Magno fammily, from Oderzo.

Mainetti: from the ventian family Maineti.

Malatina: after the Malatina family, originally from Modena.

Malipiero: after the Malipiero family, from Altino.

Malpaga: after the nickname, Malpaga, of the builder of the palace that refused to pay, once returned to the city, some of the workers who had hired for a construction work in Ragusa.

Manin: after teh Manin family, among who the patriot Daniele.

Maraffoni: after the Maraffoni family.

Marcello: after the noble venetian family Marcello.

Marcona: after the Marconi family.

Marin: seems to derive from the Dandolo family, one of the most famous of the Venetian Republic, which, to celebrate the victory of Venice next to the Byzantine Empire against the Normans, a prelude to periods of flourishing commerce towards east, built the new waterway and donated it to the city in excahnge of getting it named after their child born in that period, whose name was Marino.

Marioni: after the Mariani family.

Maruzzi: after the Maruzzi family, originally from Greece.

Mazzorana: after the Maserana family.

Mazzorini: after the Mazzorin family.

Memmo: from the Memmo family, originally from Rome.

Miani: from the Miani family, coming from Jesolo.

Michiel: after the noble venetian family Michieli.

Minelli: after the Minelli family, originally from Bergamo.

Minio: after the noble venetian family Minio.

Minotto: after the noble venetian family Minotto.

Mocenigo: from the noble venetian family Mocenigo.

Modena: from the Modena family.

Molin: from the Molin family, probably originally from Mantova.

Mondo Novo: after the Mondonovo family.

Mora: after the Mora family.

Morando: from the Morandi family, originally from Bergamo.

Moretta: after the Moretti family.

Moro: after the noble venetian family Moro.

Morolin: after the families Lin and Moro, owners of the palace in the area.

Morosini: after the noble venetian family Morosini.

Mortorio: after the Montorio family.

Mosto: from the Da Mosto family, coming from Padova.

Muazzo: after the ventian family Muazzo.

Mussato: from the Mussato family.

Muti: dalla after the Muti family, originally from Lombardy.

Nani: dalla after the noble venetian family Nani.

Navegara: after the noble venetian family Navagero.

Nerini: from the Nerini family, from Bergamo.

Nicoli: after the Nicoli family.

Nicolò Pasqualigo: in honor of the commander of the Austrian fleet Nicola Pasqualigo Nicholas, who probably was born and lived in the area.

Noris: after the Noris family, from Bergamo.

Orseolo: in honor of teh Doge Pietro Orseolo.

Orsete: after the Orsetti family.

Orso: after the Orso family, that lived in the area and had a bear (orso) in their coat of arms.

Pace: dalla from the Pace family.

Padiglion: after the ventian family Perleoni.

Padovani: from a hotel that hosted may foreigners coming from Padua.

Pagan: from the Pagano family.

Pali: dalla after the Pali family.

Papafava: after the Papafava family, originally from Padua and a brach of the Carraresi family.

Parrucheta: by the presence of a merchant who used a hilarious wig.

Paruta: after the Paruta family, originally from the city of Lucca.

Pasqualigo: after the noble family Pasqualigo, originally from Crete.

Passamonte: after the Passamonte family.

Pedrocchi: after the Pedrocchi family.

Pergola: after the Pergola family.

Perina: from the Perini family.

Pesaro: after the Pesaro family, originally from the city of Pesaro.

Petriana: after the venetian family Petriani.

Pezzana: after the Pezzana family.

Pianton: after the Pianton family.

Piasentini: after the Piacentini family, originally from the city of Piacenza.

Piero da Liesina: from Piero da Liesina, shipowner of the time, who lived in the area.

Pignoletto: from the Pugnaletto family.

Pin: after the venetian family Pin or Dal Pino.

Piovene: from the Piovene family, originally from Vicenza.

Pisani: after the noble family Pisani, originally from the city of Pisa.

Pisciutta: from the Pisciutta family.

Polacca: from the Polacco family.

Pometti: from the Pometti family.

Pompea: da from a Pompeo family who lived in the area.

Prè Maurizio: from the name of a priest who lived in the area.

Prete Zoto: from a lame priest who lived in the area.

Priuli: after the noble family Priuli, oringinally from Hungary.

Pugliese: from a family originally from Puglia who lived in the area.

Puti: da una from the Putti family.

Quartier: after the Quartieri family.

Querini: from the noble venetian family Querini.

Quintavalle: from teh Quintavalle family, originally from Padua.

Ragusei: after the Ragusei family, originally from the siciilan city Ragusa.

Raspi: after the Raspi family, from Mantova.

Raspina: after the Ruspini family, originally from Bergamo.

Ravano: after the Ravano family.

Redivo: from the Redivo family.

Regina: from the home where Caterina Coronaro, the future Queen of Cyprus, was born.

Renier: from the Renier family, originally from Ragusa.

Rezzonico: from the noble family Rezzonico, coming from the province of Como.

Richetti: after the Righetti family.

Rigo: dalla after the venetian family Rigo.

Riva: from the noble venetian family Riva.

Rizzi: from the Rizzi family.

Rizzo: after the venetian family Rizzo.

Rombiasio: from the venetian family Rombiasio.

Rosa: from the Rosa family.

Rota: after the Rota family.

Rubbi: after the Rubbi family, from the area of Bergamo.

Rubina: from the Rubini family, from Bergamo.

Rusolo: from the noble Orseolo family, originally from Germany.

Ruzzini: after the Ruzzini family, originally from Costatinoples.

Sabbioncella: after the Sabbioncello family.

Sacco: after the Sacco family.

Sagredo: after the venetian family Sagredo.

Salomon: after the Salomon family, originally from Salerno.

Salvioni: after the venetian family Salvioni.

Sangue: after the Sangue family.

Sansoni: after the venetian family Sansoni.

Sanudo: from the noble venetian family Sanudo.

Saponella: from the Saponello family.

Sarasina: after the Sarasin family.

Sartorio: after the Santorio family, coming from Koper.

Savie: from the Savio family.

Savorgnan: after the noble family Savorgnan, form the Firuli region.

Scotti: after the Scotti family, originally from Bergamo.

Scudi: from the Scudi family.

Semenzi: from the Semenzi family.

Seriman: after the Sceriman family, of spanish origins.

Soldà: aftger the Dalle Cipriote family, calle Soldà since likely originally from Solta, a Dalmatian island.

Soranzo: after the noble venetian family Soranzo.

Spagna: after the palace used by Spanish ambassadors.

Spini: after the Spin family.

Sponza: from teh Sponza family.

Stella: after the Stella family, originally from Bergamo.

Surian: from the Surian famili, coming from Rimini.

Surlin: after the Zurlin family.

Tamossi: after the Tamossi family.

Tedeschi: named Germans due to the german origin of several of the people who lived in the area.

Terco: after the Terco family.

Tetta: after the noble family Tetta, originally from Croatia.

Tiepolo: after the noble family Tiepolo, originally from Rome.

Tiozzi: after the Tiozzi family.

Tiziano: after the home where the was born the painter Tiziano Vecellio.

Todeschini: after the venetian family Todeschini.

Toffetti: after the Sangiantoffetti family, coming from Crema.

Torretta: after the Torretto family.

Toscana: The area was populated by several foreigners coming from Tuscany.

Tramontin: after the Tramontin family.

Trapolin: after the Trampolin family, originally from Cyprus.

Tremosina: after the Tramezzin family.

Trevisan: after the Trevisan family, coming from the area of Treviso.

Tron: after the noble venetian family Tron.

Turchete: after the presence of dwellings used to accommodate Turkish women, prisoners of war, and called Turchete since were induced to convert to Christianity.

Turlona: after the Turlona family, originally form the area of Bergamo.

Vallaresso: after the Vallaresso family, of ancient roman origins.

Valmarana: after the noble family Valmarana, coming from the area of Vicenza.

Varisca: from the Varisco family, from Bergamo.

Vecchia: after the Dalla Vecchia family, coming from Bergamo.

Vendramin: after the noble venetian family Vendramin.

Veneziana: after a Venzian family living in the area.

Venier: after the noble ventian family Venier.

Venzata: after the Venzato family.

Verde: from the Verde family.

Verona: from the presence of a hotel where guests came mainly from the Verona area.

Vidman: after the Vidman or Widman family, of Austrian origins.

Vinanti: after the Vinanti family.

Vissiga: after the Vissiga family.

Vitalba: from the Vitalba family, coming from Bergamo.

Vitturi: after the noble venetian family Vitturi.

Zambelli: from the Zambelli family, originally from Padua.

Zamboni: after the venetian family Zamboni.

Zaminghi: after the Zamighi family.

Zanardi: after the Zanardi family, from Bergamo.

Zancana: from the name of a fruit merchant, Zancan, who had his shop in the area.

Zan del Verme: after the Zan del Verme family.

Zane: after the noble venetian family Zane.

Zanetti: after the Zanetti family.

Zappa: after the Zappa family.

Zecchini: from the Zecchini family.

Zen: dalla after the noble venetian family Zen.

Zinelli: after the Zinelli family, coming from the province of Brescia.

Zio: after the venetian family Zio.

Zocchi: after the Zucchi family.

Zoccolo: from the Dal Zoccolo family.

Zogia: from the Zoia family.

Zon: dalla from the Zon family, originally from the city of Perugia.

Zorzi: after the noble family Zorzi, coming from the city of Pavia.

Zulian: after the noble family Zulian.

Zusto: after the Giusto family, originally from Padua.

mb, 2014-04-03

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