Nizioleti di Venezia

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art and crafts

in Venezia

Nizioleti Nizioleti - General


Anatomia (Anatomy): derives from the presence from mid 1600 of the Anatomy Theatre where were performed autopsies, which in Venice 0ere required by law since 1300.

Arsenale: from the presence of the Arsenale (the shipyard) of the city. The name Arsenale seems to derive from Darsena (dock), that is, place where vessels are manufactured and stored.

Assassini (Murders): from the high number of murders carried out in the area.

Astrologo (Astrologer): from the presence of a magician or diviner of the time.

Avvocati (Lawyers): from the presence in the past of many homes and offices of lawyers.

Banchetto (Stall): from the presence of a stall for the sale of merchandise.

Bancogiro: area where were the public commercial counters, that is to say the first credit institutes.

Banco Salviati: from the presence of the Salviati (a family from Florence) bank branch, at the premises of the palace Tamossi.

Bassa (Low): from the low access to the area.

Bella Vienna: from the presence of a public place in honor of the Austrian Empire and its capital.

Bergama: from the presence of a place attended mostly by foreigners from the city of Bergamo.

Bersaglio (Target): from the presence in the area of a place used as a target for cannons.

Borgoloco: from an ancient way of saying which referred to accommodate people at home at your own expense, given the presence of many houses in these areas used for housing for foreigners.

Braccio Nudo (Naked Arm): from the presence of a public place with a nake arm on its sign.

Bressana: from the presence of accommodation dedicated to foreigners coming from Brescia.

Cà d'Oro (Golden House): from the gilding on the facade of the palace in that place.

Cà Matta: from the particular robustness of the houses in the area, known as case matte.

Camerale: from the seat of the Magistrato Camerale.

Casin: from the presence in the area of a casino, room for gambling and other amusements of the time.

Cason: indicates the presence, in the past, of a prison. At those times every district had at least a local prison.

Casteforte: from the presence, in eralier times, of a castle.

Catecumeni: by the presence of a hospice for Catecumeni, that is, mainly Turks and Jews who approached the Christianity.

Cavalletto (Easel): from the presence of a public place with a sign bearing an easel.

Cavallo (Horse): areas related to construction or proximity to the equestrian statue of the Colleoni in SS. John and Paul square.

Cavanella: from the presece of a small cavana, that is a shelter for boats.

Cimitero (Cemetery): from the presence in the area of an old cemetery. At the time every parish church had a space used as a cemetery for their believers.

Cinque (Five): from the offices of the Magistrate of the Five Elders.

Colombina (Little Dove): from the presence of a public place with a dove in its sign.

Confraternita: the headquarters of the Confraternity of the Sacred Stigmata.

Console (Consul): by the presence of homes used to accommodate the consuls of foreign countries in the city.

Corona (Crown): from the presence of a public place with a crown in its sign.

Corrente (Usual): alleys usually followed to get directly to the destination they addressed.

Dai: two different theories behind the title: the first refers to the cries "dai,dai" the people yelled at Bajamonte Tiepolo and his partners during the conspiracy; the second one refers to the fact that here dice were sold ad played at.

Diavolo (Devil): from the particular darkness that characterizes the area and especially in the past made ​​it comparable to the caves inhabited by the devil.

Doaneta (Little Customs): from the presence of the small oil customs.

Dogana da Terra (Land Customs): from the presence of the building used for the control of goods coming from the mainland and brought here by boats that docked on the Riva del Vin (banks of the wine).

Donna Onesta (Honest Woman): various explanations for this name, including the story of two friends: one asked his party who, in his opinion, was the most honest woman; his friend answred pointing at the female head sculpture set into the wall of a building therein.

Donzella (Girl): from the presence of a public places with a girl in their signs.ù

Do Porte (Two Doors): from the presence of two different access points to the area, probably surrounded by a wall.

Dose: from the presence in the area of buildeings where were born or lived some of the governors (Doge) of the city.

Duca (Duke): due to the palace in which lived Francesco Sforza, duke of Milan.

Due Mori (Two Arabs): from the presence of a public place with two arabs in its signs.

Fabbriche (Factories): tied to the New Factories building in the mid 1500 for commercial purposes.

Feltrina: from the existence of apartment hotels used to house foreigners from the city of Feltre.

Fontego dei Tedeschi: palace assigned to the countless German peolple in the city to use it as residence, storage or sale point for theri goods.

Fontego dei Turchi: palace assigned to the Turksh peolple in the city to use it as residence, storage or sale point for theri goods.

Fornace:  from a furnace of stones and bricks.

Furlane: area that due to its conformation suited to the Ball fo the Furlana that was extremely popular at those times.

Gaffaro: The name has two different reasons, one relating to the name of a family and the other from the mispronunciation of gaffer, that is, Arab chief.

Galeazza: from the presence of public places with a galea, typical Venetian vessel, in their signs.

Gallion: there are no definite information on the origin of the name, and then perhaps it comes from the construction a galleon in the area.

Gallipoli: among the various explanations for the name, one reports that the area was called in this way as a joke, since for a while the Straits of Gallipoli was one of the most known and named areas due to the the high volumes of trades the Venetian merchants carried on in that part of Italy.

Ghetto: from the allocation of a specific area of ​​the Jewish community. The was previously named after a cannon foundry and the getto (range), or the ghetto, of the mortars. The name was later used throughout to identify areas in which Jew people were "confined".

Giustizia (Justice): area where death sentences were executed.

Grue: since its meaning, crane, it is likely that the names takes its origini from the presence of a panel of marble representing three birds, two on the top and one on the bottom, hitting a lion.

Guerra (War): derived from the fights with stiks and clubs that took place among common people in this area, similar to those that occurred periodically on the Bridge of Fists.

Incurabili (Incurables): from the Hospital of the Incurables, i.e. those suffering from syphilis, which was built in the area in the sixteenth century.

Isola (Island): from the isolation of these areas from the rest of the city.

Leon Bianco (White Leon): from the famous public place with the animal on its sign.

Locande (Inns): from the serveral Inns in the area.

Macello (Sloughterhouse): from the presence of the public slaughterhouse.

Malcanton (Bad corner): Some say the name derives from the fact that the area in ancient times was very tortuous and with a narrow bank, causing stranger frequently fall into the water at night, specially in the point where it bends in a semicircle; a different theory bases the name on the facts that, being at that time scarsely inhabited, attacks and thefts were very frequent.

Maltese: from the presence of a hotel with the Maltese in its sign.

Masena (Mill): from a mill (masena) in the area.

Mende: mending the clothes of the ladies sitting in the street.

Mendicanti (Beggars): from the existence of a hospital and hospice for beggars.

Menuo: probably, the word meaning small, starting and ending in the Canal Grande, may have been named so to distinguish it from the bigger channel.

Meravegie (Marvels): among the various theories we remember the one that reports that the bridge was built in a miraculous way in one night, after the materials were brought during the day. The morning after the materials had disappeared and in their place there was the bridge was in fine show, wihout anyone apparently working at its construction.

Mettivia: some say that, being the area frequented by prostitutes at the time, the phrase had a winking meaning, while others find the reason on the surname of a resident family.

Mori (Arabs): from the presence of three statues in Arab robes, one of which is the famous Sior Rioba Antonio. This allows to assume this is the area where the Fontego of the Mori was set up.

Morion: by the presence of a pharmacy with a sign bearing the Morion, a kind of helmet.

Morte (Death): one of the areas where death sentences were carried on.

Nave (Boat): from public places with signs bearing a boat.

Nuovo Commercio (New Place): from a public place with a sign bearing referring to the concept.

Oca (Goose): from a grocer's shop baring a goose on its sign.

Oche (Geese): from the presence of paterae representing geese on the facades of some buildings.

Orbi (Blind): from the presence of some houses owned by the Confraternita degli Orbi (Brotherhood of the Blind).

Orfei: from the presence of the ancient seat of the Society of Orpheus, so named because it was concerned with music.

Ospedaletto: from the existence of a small hospital for the sick and orphans.

Ospitale: from the presence of a poorhouse.

Osteria (Tavern): from a well know tavern of the city.

Palada: from the stilt present in the area before building the new constructions.

Paludo: from the original swamp present in the area.

Pasina: might come from the swamp in the area, from which Piscina (pool) and then Pasina.

Pellegrin (Pilgrim): from a tavern with a pilgrim on its sign.

Pescaria: from the presence of a fish market in the area.

Petole: from the nikname of some family of the area.

Pignoli: from shops selling pine nuts.

Poste (Post Office): from the presence of post offices. Venice had since ancient times regulated the management of both domestic and foreign postal activities.

Pozzetto (Small Well): from the presence of a small well in the area.

Presepio (Nativity Scene): some say the name originates from a Nativity scene reconstructed here, others from a workshop with a Nativity Scen on its sign.

Prigioni (Prisons): from the presence of prisons in the area, since at that time the city expected a prison for each district.

Procuratie: derives from the presence of a number of homes run by the Procurators of St. Mark to be awarded to indigent families according to the wills expressed in the various legacies.

Proverbi (Proverbs): from the presence of two sayings engraved on one of the buildings that red more or less "Who sows thorns should not walk barefoot" and "Tell about you first, then about me".

Pugni (Punches): one of the bridges selected by the two factions in which was divided Venice, Castellani and Nicolotti, to face each other in boxing matches.

Purità (Purity): probably due to the presence in the area of some capital dedicated to Our Lady of Purity.

Racchetta (Racket): from the game of the racchetta, something of a forerunner of badminton, which was practiced in these areas.

Raffineria (Refinery): from the presence of a laboratory for refining sugar.

Rialto: from the ancient shape of the area, i.e. Rio Alto (High Channel).

Ridotto: from the name of the gambiling house that was set up, especially during the carnival, in the local palace.

Rizza: from a tavern and its sign.

Rosina: from a local place that has a small rose on its sign.

Rotonda: from the presence of circular shaped buildings.

Ruga Giuffa: among the many hypthesys, the name may arise from the presence in these areas of criminals, called Gagiuffos, who took advantage of the credulity of people to cheat them. From this word may be derived also the Italian term Gaglioffo (villain).

Saloni: from the presence in the area of the big salt storage buildings.

Salvadego (Wilde): from a tavern specialized in dishes from hunted animals.

Schiavoni: from the Schiavoni or Dalmatian people, who used to dock in this area and afterwards founded also a Devotion School in the city to help their fellow citizens in need.

Scimia (Monk): from a public place with a monk on its sign.

Scoazzera: fanced areas for garbage (scoasse) collection. Garbage was then carried out of the city by boat.

Scrimia: from the presence of a fencing (Scrimia) school.

Secchera: dating back to ancient times to indicate areas that were covered with water only during high tide.

Sole (Sun): from the presence of a tavern with a sun on its sign.

Speron (Spur): from a public place with a spur on its sign.

Spiriti (Ghosts): from the presence of ghosts and faeries.

Squartai: area where they were hanging limbs of the condemned to be a warning to citizens about the fate of those who performed acts against the law.

Storto (askew): from the shape of the bridge.

Sturion: from a tavern with a sturgeon in its sign.

Taiai: from the nickname of a local family, were taià takes the meaning of tricky.

Tana: was the repair and the store of hemp of the Arsenale. Tana seems to come from the city of Tanais, where the Venetians were importing large quantities of hemp.

Teatro (Theatre): from the presence of a theatre in the area. Thare are many areas with this name since Venice has always had several active theatres.

Teren (Soil): in the past there was no pavement.

Terrazza (Terrace): from an open air terrace in the area.

Torreselle: from the presence of a palce with a small tower.

Tre Ponti (Theree Bridges): from the presence of three bridges to cross the channels intersecting in the area.

Vecchi (Elder): from the hospice for the elderly.

Ventidue Marzo (March 22nd): remembers March 22, 1848 when the Austrian Empire was defeated and was formed the Temporary Government of Venice.

Vicenza: from the presence of a hotel that welcomed foreigners mainly from the city of Vicenza.

Vitelli: from the presence of the headquarters of the Party of the Vitelli.

Volti: vaulted arch that joins the two rows of houses.

Zattere: from the fact that here docked the rafts loaded with timber.

Zotti: from the presence of homes owned by the School of the lame (Zoti).

Zudio: from a shop with the sign Allo Zudio, that is Jew's.

mb, 2014-04-06

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