Nizioleti di Venezia

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art and crafts

in Venezia

Nizioleti Nizioleti - Elements and things


Acque (Waters): The Botteghe da Acque were the names of the bars of the time, on the practice to serve ice water among the a variety of beverages.

Albero (Tree): areas named this way to remember the presence of towering and majestic trees.

Amor degli Amici (Love for Friends): no definite information about the real origin of the name, may be the will to fix in the memory is also a feeling such as friendship.

Ancore (Anchors): from the presence of workshops to build anchors for boats and ships.

Anguria (Watermelon): probably arising from the presence watermelon signs or shops or public places where watermelons where sold.

Aquila Nera (Black Eagle): from the presence of a public place with such a sign.

Arco (Arch): from the presence of arcs on the facades of buildings, or joining houses or from the first bridges with arch shape.

Aseo (Vinagre): from the presence of shops and workshops for production and sale of finagre.

Baccalà (Preserved Codfish): from the presence of warehouses for the storage and sale of salted codfish.

Balloni (Baloons):  from the presence of a baloon shop.

Ballotte (Balls):  from the manufacturing of balls used in the various votes the city. Those used for the election of the Great Council were initially produced in wax, but as it happened that some of these remained attached to the walls of the containers, they chose to use silk to avoid scams.

Bande (Banister): from the presence of the first banisters to protect people from falling into a channel.

Barbaria de le Tole: from the presence of wharehouses for board (tole) storage. On the other hand, there are several interpretations for Barbaria: from barbers' shops, to the presence of ancient bush, to the presence of mountaineers involved in timber trade, people considered "rude and barbarous", up to the fact that much of the timber was headed to countries della barberia that is current Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya.

Basegò: basil.

Battello (Boat): from the presence of a boat that allowed to pass from one side of the river. It seems that in ancient times the river was private and therefore a bridge between the two banks could not be built.

Birri: from Biria that seems indicated those channels use to operate water mills.

Bisati: from the presence of eal (bisati) sellers.

Bissa: comes from the particular shape of the area that remembers the movement of a grass snake (bissa).

Bo (Ox): from the presence of a public place with an ox on its sign.

Botteghe (Shops): area particularli rich of shops selling various goods.

Buso (Hole): from the particular shape of the area, that resembles a hole.

Calice : from the presence of shops with a chalice on their sign.

Campanile (Bell Tower):  from the (current or former) presence of bell towers at the sides of the street.

Candele (Candles): from the presence of a candle factory.

Canne (Canes): from the presence of a wharehouse to store the canes used in boat construction.

Capitello: by the presence of Capitelli, religious images usually illuminated with a candle or a small lamp. In ancient times, to illuminate the darker streets and make them safer, they began to use the Cesendeli as street lamps. To these priests attached various religious images hoping to prevent evil-minded people to commit crimes, hence the current name of the Capitelli.

Cappello (Hat): from the presence of a famous restaurant with a sign containing a hat.

Carbon (Coal): area dedicated to coal commerce.

Cariole (wheelbarrowns): presence of laboratories for wheelbarrows construction.

Carro (Carriage): from the presence of a shop with a carriage on its sign.

Cavallerizza (Horsewoman): from the presence of stables for horses used by nobles and for public shows.

Cenere (Ash): from the presence of ash deposits.

Cerva (Hind): from the presence of a public place with a hind in its sign.

Chiara (Clear): due to the brightness of area, as opposed to the dark (scure) areas.

Chiovere: derives from the presence of nails used to hang clothes out to dry after dyeing.

Colonna (Column): from the presence of a column that no longer exists.

Colori (Colours): from the presence of laboratories for the production of dyes.

Coralli (Coral): from processing and trade in coral.

Cortesia (Courtesy): probably arising from a public place in the name of Courtesy.

Creta (Clay): from the presence of deposits of clay used for brick production.

Due Pozzi (Two Wells): from the presence of two wells in the area.

Erbe (Herbs): by the fact that the area was previously used as a vegetable garden.

Fava (Bean): a theory traces the name from the presence of shops selling the typical sweets for the Day of the Dead, called beans; a second theory comes from the fact that a merchant in the area used the beans to hide the salt he smuggled.

Fenice (Phoenix): from the Phoenix theatre.

Ferro (Iron): area used for trading iron.

Fico (Fig): from the presence of fig trees.

Fumo: the existence of factories for the production of carbon black, fine powder obtained from the combustion of carbon-rich materials, and used to manufacture of rubber, printing ink, etc..

Gambaro (Shrimp): from the presence of a public place with a shrimp in its sign.

Giazzo (Ice): from places where ice was traded.

Gorne (Channels): from the wide channels present in the area and used in the shipyard Arsenale.

Lacca: from the production of sealing wax carried on in the area.

Lana (Wool): zona where wool was processed.

Malvasia: from the presence of shops selling the Malvasia wine, which was sold in separately from other wines.

Mandola (Almond): from the presence of shops selling almond liqueurs.

Megio (Millet): >dalla presence in the ancient times of warehouses used to contain the millet (megio, which was used, especially during periods of famine, to produce bread distributed to the less wealthy population.

Meloni (Melons): from the presence of shops selling melons, often called Poponi.

Mosche (Flies): from the production of beauty spots (flies) for makeup.

Naranzaria: area used to trade in oranges and citrus fruits.

Nomboli: among the various explanations, is reported that the name derives from the sides of beef the butchers put on display that were precisely called nomboli

Ole: the name means pot and probably derives from the presence of shops to manufacture and sell cookware.

Olio (Oil): area used to discharge, storage and sale of oil.

Ormesini: The ormesini were silk drapes that were made ​​and sold in this area.

Orologio (Clock): from the clock-tower facing St. Mark Square.

Osmarin (Rosmery): Rosmery.

Ostreghe (Oysters): area used for the sale of oysters.

Paglia (Straw): area where docked the boats carrying straw.

Panada: among the various explanations, one reports that the area is named this way due to the large cloths used as curtains or shutters on the windows.

Parangon (Comparison): derives from a special silk fabric, manufactured by an old factory in this area, which due to its perfection and beauty was called the comparison.

Pazienze (Patiences): form the manufacturing and sale of the pazienze, small religious objects.

Pelle (Leather): from the deposits of leather used for shoes that were in this area.

Penini: from the sale of the penini, pork or sheep feet.

Pensieri (Thoughts): the area seemed suitable for solitary and reflexive walks, thinking about one's problems since, before being buried, it was flanked on one side by a canal with its water made ​​dark from the presence of a high wall that ran alongside and was covered with weeds.

Perdon (Indulgence): in this place stayed one night Pope Alexander III, fleeing from persecution of Barbarossa, granting perpetual indulgences to those who had said a prayer here.

Pietre Vive: from the presence of a factory of stones.

Piombo (Lead): from the presence of a lead foundry.

Piova (Rain): rain, although it probably comes from the nickname of a family that lived here.

Polvere (Powder): from the production of powder of cyprus (face powder) was performed in these areas.

Pontei (Props): the props used to support the buildings in this area.

Porton (Door): from the large main entrance to the area.

Rabbia (Rage): an area where an epidemic of plague was much stronger than in the rest of the city.

Rasse: from the production and sale of woolen cloth used to cover the gondolas, called Rasse.

Rimedio (Remedy): from the sale of Malvasia wine, also called Remedy.

Roda (Wheel): from the coat of arms bearing a wheel, connecetd to a family living there.

Rosso (Red): from the color used to paint the plaster of the buildings in the area.

Salute (Health): linked to the vow made by the Venetians to the Virgin to end the epidemic of plague in the XVII century.

Sbiaca: derived from the production and sale of white lead (sbiaca) that was done in the area.

Scale (Stairs): from the presence of external stairs leading to the houses.

Schiavine: from the production of the Schiavine, large blankets of which the Venetians were among the main producers.

Sensa: linked to the Ascension Day. It seems that the area takes its name either due to the procession that took place along the river during the Ascension Day or to the filing of the boards that were used during the celebrations to fence Piazza San Marco.

Sicurtà (Assurance): from the presence of the insurers that insured goods being shipped mainly by sea.

Spade (Swords): from the presence of a public place which sign had swords in it.

Sporca (Dirty): areas of the city that were used more than others to drop garbage, before the establishment of the scoazzere, areas designated for waste collection.

Stendardo (Banner): from the presence of a flagpole where the banner of San Marco was flown during holidays.

Strope: from the presence of willows whose branches,strope, were used to bind up the screws and to build baskets.

Tabacchi (Tobacco): from the presence of tobacco factories.

Testa (Head): from the presence of a large marble head.

Tette (Tits): from the practice of prostitutes who lived in this area to stay on the window sills with their breasts exposed to entice customers.

Toletta: from the presence of a small board that allowed to cross the channel since the bridge was missing at those times.

Uva (Grapes): from the presence of several vines in the area.

Vele (Sails): from the presence of sailmakers in the area.

Vento (Wind): area very windy due to its location.

Veste (Dress): da from a clothes shop in the area.

Vin (Wine): where docked the boats carring wine.

Zucchero (Sugar): area where sugar was stored and sold.

mb, 2014-04-05

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